Friday, September 23, 2011


Where ever you go to the mountains whether it be Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, New Mexico, Brooklyn...(are there mountains in Brooklyn? Yea, I don't know either...) you always find peace.

You get to get away from the outside world for awhile, and just be filled with all things nature. Trees, sky, streams, bears, pine cones...

Your away from all the noisy, and at times bothersome ways of technology, and you can just be.

It's a time I always, always, ALWAYS look forward too, and this weekend is no different.

Yes, I am going to the mountains this weekend with my Church group. (I'd like to at this time make a shout out to all my Buffs for Christ peeps right now...What it do my friends?!)

Yes, I am going to enjoy time away from all things technology because we have an "iffy" relationship anyways...

And yes, I will tell you of my adventures when I return....

Until then my friends, I hope all your days are filled happiness, and thoughts of me in the mountains.

Peace, Love, & You should all go to the mountains too so we can fill the aftermath of hiking together...

Sweet T

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