Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pony Boy & Clark Gable

When I'm  not drinking coffee, or making cupcakes.  (Yes, I do make occasional trips home so I can make cupcakes...What can I say? I'm obsessed.)

I fill my time with painting.  Lots, and lots of painting.

It's a good thing I enjoy having paint on my knees, fingers, face, etc. because I tend to get a little messy when I paint.

Which is why my mother usually bans me from the house when I paint.  She sends me out into exile in our barn, where I am forced to talk/sing to myself to stay entertained.  I've come to find out that I'm great company.

This weekend, Mama found some compassion for me since it was -32 degrees outside (exaggeration? Yes. Unreasonable? No.) and let me paint inside the house. (I know! I was shocked myself.) But not without making sure I covered our kitchen table with trash bags.  Which was a brilliant idea.

I was painting a curtain for a friend of ours, and took the liberty of taking a picture of the progression.

In order to get a "worthy" picture I had to stand up on the table since I'm 4 foot nothin' and banged my head on our light quite a few times, but don't worry, the doctor said I would be fine in a few weeks...

Step 1: Paint everything in white, and then start filling the colors in...

Step 2: Detail, Detail, DETAIL!

Step 3: Add cowboy.  After all, Cowboys make everything better.

I named the horse "Pony Boy." I'm not sure why, it just seemed fitting.

I named the cowboy "Clark Gable." Once again, I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's because he is tall, dark, and handsome, and contains everything a girl could ever want in her man? Maybe I'm weird and should take a nap now?

Yes.  I agree.

Peace, Love, & Maybe our light did more damage than the doctors thought?

Sweet T

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