Monday, November 28, 2011

Vitamin C & Sutton

This is Sutton.

He is a sweet boy.

He's also a really funny boy.

And he has big muscles, that are ready to break anything in his path! Yes, even me...

I think he has lots of muscles because he likes to eat "bitamins" alot.

He could even smell them the moment he walked in our house. (By the way, he should be set on vitamin C, the rest of his life.)

Sutton is my cousin, and he and his family came to spend Thanksgiving with us this year, and that made us all very thankful because there was never a dull moment.  No one was ever short on laughter...but we were short on vitamin C.  I guess that's OK though...because we kind of love them.  Just kind of...

Peace, Love, & Is there such a thing as too much Vitamin C intake? I hope not...

Sweet T

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