Thursday, June 30, 2011

The All-American Holiday

Fourth of July: Fireworks, Hot dogs, Webbed Feet...(Well webbed feet at least in my family's's a long & painful story that someday, when you're ready, I will tell you.)

It's the All American Holiday sporting our nations colors: Red, White, & Blue.  All of those colors are great except for white because when you are as white complected as I am, white just don't fact it's so awful, it makes me talk in slang...Ya hear?!.

Everyone celebrates the Fourth of July in their own way, and of course our way is my favorite way, even though it's not the most traditional route.

So picture this....

July 4th:

The Townsend clan along with their rodeo team has just gotten home from Colorado Springs, Colorado where they participated in another ranch rodeo, drove another 8 hours home, and are suffering from sleep deprivation as you can imagine our spirits are high, and this is one time I'm not being sarcastic...

Usually we are home to late to clean up, and go out to watch the fireworks so, since we are "plan-aheaders," we have already stopped on the side of the road, and purchased our holiday toys (fireworks) and pleaded with the Brahman Breeder to not set them off inside the pickup.

Finally, after we've made it home we grab some hot dogs (An American Favorite, and very high in nutrition) and some matches, and then head out to the closest gravel driveway...

After we've eaten our delicious, fancy meal of hot dogs (grilled over an open flame) we then proceed to set off the fireworks, and try our hardest not to step on sparklers, because folks that causes webbed feet....and that's all I have to say about that...

As simple as it sounds, it is great fun, and we can't wait to do it every year....

And then there's this year....

This year since the whole country is under a fire ban there will be no fireworks, no gourmet hot dogs roasted over an open flame, and no webbed feet. (Maybe that's an upside.)

But weep not, my fellow Americans!

It's time to get creative and innovative!

Instead of fireworks, and hot dogs lets play volleyball, and eat sandwiches!

And instead of webbed feet lets....well lets not do anything else like that....

So what I'm trying to say is fireworks don't make the Fourth of July, but backyards, and family's, and Fun makes the Fourth of July the good time we all know, and love, Amen.

Peace, Love, & I've always wanted to meet Uncle Sam....

Sweet T

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