Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens..." Ecclesiastes 3:1

My friends, tonight it is time to reflect!

This very blog post that you are reading...

You are reading right?




Oh Hi! There you are!

Anyways, like I was saying...this very blog post is my 200th blog post! Ever!

And for a young, dumb, and amateur blogger like myself that my friends is what you call a victory.

So sit back, grab some popcorn, or a cupcake, and lets enjoy just a few of the blog post of my former, younger, and dumber years together, because without all you readers there would be no blog posts to speak of, and for that I thank thee.

First Post...EVER!

My first attempt at Poetry. Otherwise known as, "The Day the World Stopped Turning" Just kidding...I think.

My first "Crazy Sister" Post, but unfortunately not my last.

A "shopping" post

4 Steps to A Healthier You

A "thankful" Post

A "Dork" Post

A "Sweet Sister" Post

A "John Wayne" Post

An Attempt at a Revolution

Something must've been weird in this post?

A "Garden" Post

A Movie Night

Peace, Love, & I do, without a doubt, heart blogging.

Sweet T

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